Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Practice News Story 6: News Release

11:45 a.m. MT

Posted: October 10, 2007

For Immediate Release

ClearPoint Instruction LLC

Contact: Preston Parker, Vice President

Tele. (435)787-4078


ClearPoint Instruction

LOGAN, UT-Are you sick on endless complaints from your patients asking the same questions over and over? Does it seem like most people today don’t listen when you give them medical advice? Now there’s a way to free up your employees time and keep your patients healthier and happier. The answer is ClearPoint Instruction LLC. Clearpoint Instruction’s many products and services can make all the difference in medical environment. CPI provides educational media for healthcare providers.

Vice President of CPI, Preston Parker, claims how that their products can improve your healthcare provider’s place of work. Enthusiastically he claims that “We’ve even used some of our educational material on people with severe mental abilities. And not only did they tend to get healthier faster, but they seemed to enjoy life all the more with CPI in their lives.”

ClearPoint Instruction LLC is a Utah-based company made up of a small team of well-trained and highly-experienced designers. Our staff have degrees in instructional technology, curriculum and instruction, computer science, and graphic design. In addition, they have a combined 40+ years of experience in designing and developing instructional products and educational services. All this education and experience has taught us a simple lesson:

Instruction is not effective if learners don't clearly see the main point.

That is why we use a model-centered approach to design instruction. We start by developing accurate models of what your patients need to know, do, and feel about their own health. Next, we create instructional materials and learning activities that actively engage patients in solving authentic problems related to their health. Finally, we work with you to conduct research that lets you know if the patients are really learning. At ClearPoint Instruction, we are dedicated to designing instruction that works. And we promise you this: Your patients will clearly see the main point.

Act now for any information regarding this great new product and how it can and will improve your business and its effectiveness.

Press Contact:

Corey Sparks



Peter B said...

Great job!! was that supposed to say abilities or disabilities? It looks like you did well on checking for AP style.

Emma said...

Good job Corey! I thought you did a great job of presenting the information. It was a bit lengthy, but I don't know how long these are supposed to be. I liked the quote except for the abilities part.

Jake Ipson said...

I really liked the way you wrote your press released, you did a good job of explaining the company and the flow of the article was really good.

Greg Aullman said...

I like the opening, it is is good attention grabber for those looking to write about it. Good flow to the release, and good information about the company, seemed organized well.

Jay said...

I liked how you expanded on the information you gave in the first paragraph. You seemed to have a good understanding of AP style. Good work.